Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Coming to a prison near you...

A transgender inmate in California is getting the taxpayers of California to pay for his sex change operation.   I go a step further. Why not make the family of his victim get a second and third job to pay for it themselves? After all, if they are taxpayers of California they are already paying for it.

Before you say "Wait, Punk-you support Catylin Jenner?" Yes, I do. I support all transgender people. The big thing though is that they should be forced to pay for it with their own damn money. Or, if they can get their friends and family to voluntarily and freely pay for it, that is fine too. If you take out a gun and force people to pay for something they are opposed too, that is morally wrong.

The situation gets much worse when you remember something sort of important-this dude killed someone. No, really-this guy is a murderer. He's not some kid in there for a car theft or robbing a bank or a drug charge. He horrifically took another persons life. Even if you don't support the death penalty (I do) you might have an issue with a convicted murderer getting something that a transgender person who works hard and follows the law does not.

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