Friday, March 3, 2017

Album of the weekend

Ted Nugent-Cat Scratch Fever

Ted Nugent is an arrogant jerk who is hated not just because of his views, but also because he's an arrogant jerk. He reminds me of Gene Simmons-A guy who will listen carefully to what you say, pretend to take it under advisement and then completely ignore you. Both guys are obnoxious, and both men are extremely talented and forever shaped rock music.

The title track, "Cat Scratch Fever" is deservingly thought of as "iconic". It's not just a great song, it's an instantly recognizable rock anthem. It's up there with "Rock and Roll all Night", "Rock you like a Hurricane" and "Don't Stop Believing" (I don't like Don't Stop Believing at all, but I admit it's probably a rock anthem. Aren't I wonderful?)

Nugent is a guitar virtuoso. The guy is incredibly innovative and has influenced a huge amount of people. This album was not my first but for many people Cat Scratch Fever was their introduction to the dangerous side of rock and roll. The album is full of sexual puns and euphemisms. I know of people who stole it from their older uncles/cousins and giggled while listening to it.

The title song is of course the best song on the album. I'm not a huge fan of anything else on it but I strongly suggest buying it just for the title song.  

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