Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Dissenting views

I’m sure we have all met people who are so emotionally fragile and insecure in their own views that they can’t handle even the thought of a dissenting opinion. Haven’t we?

For me, this came to light in college. Supposedly a haven of free speech and ideas, colleges are anything but.  

A group of people were discussing the Iraq war, which was going on in full force at the time. Everyone, literally everyone agreed that it was a bad idea. Not a single person said it might be a good one.

I spoke up and said maybe it’s a good idea. Maybe the people of Iraq need to be liberated. Is what I really think? Not really, but I love asking tough questions. It’s the only way people learn.

Several of those people were stunned, thinking what I said was “wrong”. They were unable to tell me why. The bigger issue? They ignored me. Some never spoke to me again. I loved it because I viewed it as a good test for friendship. Real friends should be able to disagree on issues and still remain close.

Why do I bring this up? Good question. It’s because of the marriage equality issue. I’m very blessed, I have wonderful friends who are open minded and tolerate dissenting views.

They are in the minority. People have broken ties with family members and lifelong friendships over this issue. That’s tragic.

It also proves something I’ve always thought. Those who claim to the open minded are as annoying as those who are holier than thou. 

Monday, June 29, 2015



Yes, I break with the church on this issue. I love tattoos. I will keep getting them.

I don’t understand why the church is against them.  Tattoos are morally neutral.

However in my personal view I think it’s a matter of choice and not dogma. The question “How could you face God with tattoos?” has always interested me. My honest response is “I would rather face God with my distinct personality.”

Have a great week! 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Supreme Court ruling

I've never seen both sides so full of hatred for one another. The ruling should be celebrated in some ways, but it's also a devastating indicator of how divided we are as a nation. 

How many Facebook friends blocked/defriended you today for your views, no matter what they are? 

God bless...

Album of the weekend

Judas Priest. Redeemer of Souls.

Most reunions and comebacks don’t go very well. Ask yourself: If I hooked up with my ex after three years how would it go? You’d like to say “Great!” but in reality, it would usually be a disaster. We tend to think we can recreate feelings that have long been forgotten, but no way. We romanticize the past and downplay the bad feelings we had while overblowing the good ones.  Think St. Anger by Metallica. Yes, it’s over bashed but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s not a very good album.

What does all my pointless rambling have to do with the album of the weekend?

I was not looking forward to the Judas Priest album, “Redeemer of Souls.” Their last album, Nostradamus, sounded much too “nu-metal” of the early 2000’s for me. I like their old school, British power metal feeling.

So it was reluctantly that I bought their latest album.

In the immortal words of (paraphrasing) of Comic Book Guy, “Best. Comeback Album. Ever.”

Incredible album. The guitar solos are energetic and fresh while the lyrics are over the top but not too cheesy. Think British Steel 2.0. Is it as good as Steel? No, of course not.  But it’s good. Real good. It’s like opening up a present of Christmas and getting a Rolex when you were expecting a Timex.

Have a great weekend! 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Shut up and Dance With Me.

No, it's not punk or metal or any other genre that I would generally enjoy. Seriously though, try listening to that song without smiling. If you still can't smile, then lighten up you killjoy jerk! 

Happy Wednesday!  

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Is Punk Inherently Right Wing?

Johnny Ramone said it was. He was right, as he was often.

The more time goes on the more liberalism seems to be the dominant philosophy of pop culture. Ask yourself-Have you seen a mainstream television show or listened to a mainstream punk album that doesn’t promote secularism/liberalism etc in some way, shape or form?

I have no problem with liberalism; in fact, I have more respect for liberals than they ever will for my philosophy or myself.

What I do have a problem with is hipster punk bands thinking they are cutting edge by bringing politics into their music with no sense of irony. At least with the Dead Kennedys you could see Jello was able to laugh at his own views. Too often in punk today you have super serious bands that simply can’t see how anyone could disagree with them and still be punk.

Punk is right wing because it is anti-establishment. If the establishment grows more and more left wing, punk therefore becomes more and more right wing. It’s not tough.

Sorry about the political tone. Had an interesting conversation with my brother, who is liberal but also a huge punk fan. It’s nice to discuss things with him because we disagree totally but still get along great.

Punk for life….

Monday, June 22, 2015

How to Share Your Faith part I

1. Treat all sins the same. View cigarette smoking and coffee drinking the same way you would view murder. Smell tobacco smoke on someone in church? Make them feel as unwelcome as possible. Glare at them and tattle to the guy in charge that there is a smoker in the room. In fact, maybe you could make them wear a giant “S” on their chest. If you are in the process of introducing our faith to a non-member and you think they are drinking coffee-give up immediately. They are truly sons of perdition.

2. Never allow questions to be asked. Tell people to shut up and obey. After all, don’t questions equal automatic blasphemy?  Since some questions might be uncomfortable or difficult to answer, it’s better to not ruffle feathers and tell people to stop thinking for themselves. After all, didn’t an apostle once say “It is my job to explain, your job to obey?” There! That settles it. Sure, the case could be made that we wouldn’t even have Mormonism if Joseph didn’t ask questions, but that’s irrelevant. All questions should never be asked.