Monday, October 31, 2016

Wall Street and the establishment

No Fortune 100 CEOs back Donald Trump for president. None. Nope. Not a single one. Zero. No one in the Hollywood establishment backs Trump. Sure you might find an actor here or there that supports Trump but in reality, no one in the mainstream really likes or supports this guy. It's partially the republican thing. Most elites are against the republican party because all their friends are. George Clooney doesn't hang around with anyone who isn't a liberal democrat, so it's all group think. If you hang around with people who share only your views, you begin to become afraid of people who dare to think differently and worse-you being to think that those who think differently than you do are morally deficient. It's a very good way to delude yourself.

I am old enough to remember when Wall Street was a republican thing. When democrats and liberals in general hated Wall Street because it was so conservative and they threw money to republicans. Do I expect most liberals to remember 2004? When Bush and his "rich oil buddies" ruled the world? Of course not. Most republicans have selective memory too, so yes, it's not a democrat thing, it's a politics thing.

But the establishment is firmly against Trump. If you want to vote strictly on who is anti-establishment (a foolish way to vote) you would have to vote for Trump. Do I expect people that told us to "question authority" will vote for Trump? Of course not. Question authority is only true when there is a republican majority.

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