Monday, October 10, 2016

Gary Johnson

Like most people who are against Trump and Hillary and lean to the libertarian side in their politics I was, at first, excited about the Gary Johnson candidacy. I generally think voting third party is a foolish thing to do, and it is. It's done so you can feel morally pure and sneer at the fools who vote for the two the other parties. The right, the left, and yes libertarians do this. Perfect truly is the worst enemy of the good enough and most adults realize that in the real world, you can't always get what you want. Key word: adults.

Trump is an insecure high school bully and Hillary is Tracy Flick from the book Election by Tom Perotta (also a great movie) combined with a mafia don. I mean no disrespect to the mafia please. So we are stuck. Gary Johnson is a liberal who lies and says he's a libertarian, but he isn't all bad. I would have voted for Austin Peterson who ran against Johnson but sadly lost. In fact I like Peterson so much that I probably would have thrown my vote away and voted for him.

Gary Johnson though is different. I'm all for legalizing weed and what you do behind closed doors is your own business. Do I want my president to smoke it? NO. I don't want him or her to get drunk every night either. In case you get the big phone call that requires a calm head and clear mind, do you want your president to be rolling blunts with his friends and so drunk he can barely stand? In this incredibly polarized political world I think most sensible people can agree that a drunk/high or otherwise mentally impaired president is not a positive for the country.

Gary Johnson barely knows where Maine is, much less France or Russia. This guy smokes so much pot that I don't trust him the nuclear codes. A good rule of thumb: No nuke codes for a guy who thinks Aleppo was the fourth Marx brother.

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