Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Acting "Christian", being "Christian"

Whenever a Christian gets angry (imagine that-a human getting angry) or says something that someone else might think is wrong, they are falsely accused of not acting Christian. The standard of behavior for believers is so stupidly high that it's simply not possible to satisfy everyone.

Example: Two people are debating the merits of Christianity. One says "You Christians are supposed to love your neighbor." What he thinks that means is "I can say anything about Christianity and you  can't respond, or else I'll falsely accuse you of not loving your neighbor." Ho ho ho. I win! This "argument" is especially convenient for atheists-no one can accuse an angry atheist for "not acting like an atheist".

It's very hard being a Christian in 2016, and I'm not just talking about the chastity. People who know very little about our churches claim to know a lot-that's annoying in itself. When people attack our faith and we :: gasp :: defend ourselves idiots think we are supposed to "turn the other cheek". Which to them means "say nothing in defense of your values." Those same people often wrongly think that "don't judge lest ye be judged" means "No Christian can say anything about immoral behavior." I've seen internet atheists lean back in their chair thinking they've really debunked Christianity after saying things like this.

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