Saturday, October 15, 2016

Would I get a tattoo from someone who didn't have them?

It doesn't seem like it's a good idea to get a tattoo from a person who doesn't have any tattoos, does it? After all, you are inflicting an amount of pain on someone and you should at the very least know what they are going though.

But it's not always like that. A cardiologist doesn't need to have a heart attack to be a good cardiologist and a DUI lawyer doesn't need to get a DUI to be a good lawyer.  So that argument doesn't work well. Granted, you do need some experience and education to be a doctor, lawyer, or yes, a tattoo artist. No one can or should go to Sally the bus driver for legal advice. (No, that's not an insult against bus drivers. It's simply that they have a different skill set than lawyers)

To me a good tattooist doesn't need to have tattoos personally, even though they should for their own business sense. I'm probably in the minority who think this way. I assume that the majority of people want their artist to have tattoos. Of course there are practical reasons for a tattoo artist to have tattoos as well-it's good for business and it shows your potential customers what style you prefer. IE-A guy who does only tribal should have some tribal tattoos himself.

The only time I think that a tattoo should have tattoos is if they choose to tattoo the face or head. They need to know the prejudice that exists against people with face tattoos. Obviously I think that prejudice against tattooed people is wrong, but it still exists in the world. First off, you shouldn't get a face tattoo unless you are 100%, dead set on getting on. Second if you do want one get one from a person with one so they can convince you not to get one or at least inform you of the potential life implications of your decision. 

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