Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Scary clown reports

I'm not afraid of clowns. In fact, I find most clowns just exhausting and tedious. They use tired jokes that weren't funny the first fifty five times you heard them and at their worse, they lack the self awareness to see how annoying they are. Part of what makes Krusty from the Simpsons funny is his cynicism and his own knowledge that everything he says/does has been done before. Most clowns lack that trait. The other annoying as hell part about them is that they assume you don't like to laugh if you don't laugh at their tired old gags and stupid jokes. We all have different senses of humor.

Scary clowns are, in fact, no different. Given that everyone seems to be afraid of scary clowns they've become cliche as well. We see them in the movie "It" (granted it was Stephen Kings most scary creation, but that's not saying much. Even Pennywise wasn't that scary once you get past age ten), we see them in American Horror Story, we see them in pop culture so much that scary clowns haven't become scary anymore either.

But I admit that not everyone feels the same way I do. Some people have different fears, and that's okay. I am afraid of heights, in fact it's so bad that at the Amway Center in Orlando I can't look down if I'm on the top floor without getting sweaty palms, weak knees and a feeling of nausea. It's bad. I know of people who ask "How can you be afraid of heights?!" then are terrified of snakes and spiders-which I absolutely love. Like I just said-not everyone feels the same way I do and this is in no way an insult to those who are afraid of clowns.

Walking around in a clown suit isn't illegal and it shouldn't be. If you want to look like an idiot, knock yourself out. Scaring people might be different though. I'm not a lawyer so this obviously isn't legal advice, but scaring people is a good way to get yourself in serious trouble and maybe even get your ass kicked, or worse. It's hard to have sympathy for some dumbass who is scaring people and then gets a beatdown by police or angry citizens.

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