Monday, October 17, 2016

Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream

Like the Simpsons (hardly a right wing source) says Ben and Jerry's is the ice cream created by hippies but owned by a heartless corporation. It's also the ice cream to eat if you want others to see you supporting a corporation that is "cool". Capitalism is bashed and business people are hated-but if you donate to "progressive" causes, all is forgiven.

I don't have a sweet tooth. In fact, my only vice for junk food is popcorn which I do love and eat an ungodly amount of. I used to drink coke by the gallon in college but the caffeine keeps me awake and like we all know, soda is bad for your teeth and all around health. Have I had Ben and Jerry's ice cream in the past? Yes, but I can't remember if it was good or bad. It was in Freeport Maine and the girl I was seeing at the time loved them, so being the gentlemen and good date that I am, I put my personal feelings aside and bought us some. I remember it being very expensive for ice cream. Want to save money? You can start by not spending 30$ on jars of peanut butter just because they say "organic" and not spending 15 dollars on ice cream to impress women. Samantha, wherever you are-that's the story and I hope you are doing great.

The benefits of capitalism outweigh the negatives.Ben and Jerry should be advocates for capitalism because it's helped them so much. Instead, they remain active in many "progressive" causes. I wonder if they lived in Cuba or Venezuela if they'd feel the same way.

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