Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Parents Television Council and the Walking Dead

The Parents Television Council are a group of people who are making it their goal to censor violence and sexuality in television. They've been around forever and I remember them getting fussy and angry about the WWE back in the early 2000's. Now their target is the vastly popular show "The Walking Dead". I'm sure The Walking Dead is a great show and I've heard it's also a great comic, but I'm not a fan of the show. I'm sort of tired of the zombie thing in pop culture. Obviously just because I don't like it doesn't mean I don't see how someone else could like it and that doesn't I think it's a bad show. 

I'm not a fan of the Parents Television Council either. I don't think they are "hate filled" or "intolerant". In fact, their heart is in the right place-honestly I don't want a seven year old watching The Sopranos or The Walking Dead. For a consenting, thinking adult though-knock yourself out. The real world isn't always a cuddly place and you can't really have a show about zombies or the mafia and have characters talk like southern belles from the antebellum period. There is nothing wrong with liking things that are R-rated-yes, I disagree with the church on this issue.

There is a big difference between adult-child and fantasy and reality. If you like watching snuff films and Faces of Death five for enjoyment-you need psychiatric help before your fantasy becomes reality. However if you like watching R rated movies or The Walking Dead-the violence and gore is in context. 99% of people can see the difference and achieve balance in this. You don't want to be the person who compares The David by Michelangelo to a Playboy centerfold. That's another blog for itself-the difference between "art" and "porn" and how there are people out there who can't grasp it. 

The Parents Television Council is fighting a losing battle. If they think they'll get sponsors to drop one of the most popular tv shows out there right now, I wish them the best of luck.

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