Thursday, October 6, 2016

Hurricane Matthew and coincidence

I am praying for all the countries that have been hit by the hurricane already, and I will continue to pray for the states that are preparing for it now. This post is not meant to insult anyone so I hope no one takes it that way. 

This picture has been broadcast all over social media: 

First off, it's kind of cool. Putting aside how destructive and life threatening hurricanes are (and they are) the picture showing a smiling skull with red all around it like it's on fire is at least interesting. Like everyone else I thought it was photoshopped at first and basically ignored it. Now that we are certain it isn't photoshopped, I think it's a natural occurrence and dumb luck that it formed that way. 

Inevitability, people took this picture and blew it totally out of proportion or misread it into something truly whacky. No, Satan is not going to eat the state of Florida. No, this hurricane is not a punishment for sinful behavior. No, this picture doesn't mean it's going to be a worse hurricane than any other natural disaster known to man. Simply put  it's just a coincidence. 

I'm religious and I believe in coincidence and luck. When Hurricane Matthew misses your state but hits North Carolina you thank God you are safe. Does that mean God aimed for North Carolina though? Of course not. Luck plays a huge role in life. 

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