Saturday, October 8, 2016

Kim Kardashian robbery

Like most of us have heard, Kim Kardashian was robbed in France a few days ago. I admit, she is not a sympathetic figure and yes, it seems like her and her family are on the sixteenth minute of fame at this point-but getting robbed at gunpoint is something I would not wish upon anyone, including people I don't like. Aren't I wonderful and compassionate?

I find several things interesting about this story. One-she was robbed apparently at gunpoint in France, a country that has heavy gun regulations. This should make anti-gunners think twice about wanting to create more regulations, but it won't. It never does. It's also interning that once again, people who pride themselves on being tolerant and compassionate (from "Christians" who dislike the moral behavior of the Kardashians to tolerant leftists who dislike her wealth and fame) are the ones who are glee in this. Glee might be too hard a word, but it's close. If these people were robbed at gunpoint (or if their moms were) they'd be outraged and break down crying if anyone showed a lack of compassion towards them. Because Kim Kardashian is well, Kim Kardashian-there is a lot of schadenfreude.

You might be thinking "What, you've never experienced schadenfreude before! You are such a hypocrite!"Of course I have. Many times, actually. So I understand where people are coming from but no, that doesn't make it right. Just pointing out that the accuser is guilty of something doesn't justify the bad behavior they are condemning. A person who has had a DUI before can still say DUI is wrong.

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