Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Whole Foods Cake Drama II

I was right

Or, I should say many of us were. We knew that the pastor who falsely claimed that he was the victim of a hate crime was lying. Turns out he was. His lawsuit was dropped and he apologized a few days ago. Apparently Whole Foods also dropped the countersuit. 

Let's say an active LDS orders a cake from Whole Foods, then the cake says "Happy Birthday LDS Trash." Or a Catholic orders a cake and it says "Catholics suck." I broadcast it on social media and sue Whole Foods. Then, after incontrovertible proof that I'm lying comes out, would Whole Foods drop the lawsuit? Would people write off what I did because I'm already "persecuted"? The answer is no. 

I'm going to be clear, because I do not wish to be misunderstood. Yes, gay people have been persecuted and yes, it is wrong. I'm pro gay marriage and my first college roommate was gay. I had no problem with it at all. When he got into a near fatal car crash, I rushed to his side. So if you want to say I'm anti-gay, you are wrong and your criticism is cheap. We clear? Good. 

But I am anti-double standard. He apologized, and that's a good thing. It's the first step to redemption. But if you want true equality, that means equal consequences for your actions as well. Like I mentioned in the other post-the only thing worse than a hate crime is lying about a hate crime. Like a false rape charge, you are doing grave damage to those who are truly victims. 

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