Monday, May 23, 2016

Billy Corgan

First off no matter what political view a celebrity has, I try not to pay attention to them. Liberal, conservative or apolitical. Sure they have a right to their own views and they might have something interesting to say-but usually celebrities don't have anything interesting to say outside their realm of expertise.

I assume most of my musical idols are liberals. Sure there are exceptions- Johnny Ramone is without question my number one musical idol of all time and he is a conservative. Dave Mustaine has also said some things that are somewhat conservative in nature as well. That's pretty much it. There are exceptions but they are few and far between. I'm guessing seventy five percent of musicians are liberal or at the least, not conservative/libertarian.

That's what makes Billy Corgan unique. I do like the Smashing Pumpkins, I always have. I never knew his politics and I never even thought of them. If asked, I would have assumed he was liberal, which is a safe assumption.

He has recently said some things that are negative about social justice warriors and Bernie Sanders. Social Justice Warriors like the now famous Triggly Puff are a unique type of people. They are usually entitled, obnoxious, selfish and delusional. Bernie Sanders isn't obnoxious, I just disagree with him on many issues. 

What Corgan said has lost him fans. Looking over the comments section on Rolling Stone, by far most of them have been very negative. In staggering displays of tolerance and acceptance people are demanding that others never by Smashing Pumpkin albums again. So much for inclusiveness. 

I'm not surprised at the tolerance level of Rolling Stone readers. Self-crituque isn't the strong point of the left or the right. I'm more surprised that someone in the entertainment industry isn't a dyed in the wool liberal. 

It's like this: Imagine you are a liberal. You expect that rich, white businessmen are conservative. When one comes out and says they aren't, you are surprised. Same thing here. 

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