Saturday, May 28, 2016

True confessions-The Left Behind Series

I've admitted to liking Waterworld, Kiss, The Joe Schmo Show and pro wrestling but this might be the most embarrassing thing I admit. 

I like the Left Behind series. I've read all of them and have the entire series in their audiobook format. 

The series is not scripturally accurate. Even protestants will admit that there are major flaws in it's thinking. No, not all Christians believe in a rapture and believe in the end times portrayed like those in the book. 

But you know what? I don't think anyone reads these books strictly for the theology. We read them for the same reason people watch soap operas. It's light reading, the characters are stock and not very believable. The good guys do the right thing and the bad guys always do the wrong thing. In the post deconstruction era where everything is evaluated, critiqued and torn apart-where the good guys don't always do the right thing and the bad guys are always "misunderstood"-it's fun to read a book where the bad guys are bad, the good guys good-and most importantly-the good guys win in the end.  


  1. Don't be embarrassed to admit it. It was one of those series of book that I couldn't put down until I finished it. Even with it having 12 books (if I remember correctly).

  2. Yep, My mom had alllll Tim Lahaye books.

  3. Yep, My mom had alllll Tim Lahaye books.
