Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Whole Foods cake drama

By now you have probably heard that a pastor in Texas has accused Whole Foods of writing a gay slur on a cake he bought. It's widely considered to be a hoax by a deeply troubled man. He claims to be a pastor-and while I have no problem with a gay man being a pastor-I have a huge problem with pastors who make false claims. 

Why he did it is a question. Was he trying to appear persecuted? Was he trying to show that he was the victim of a hate crime? Was he looking to milk a few bucks from Whole Foods? I can't read minds, so I have no idea why he did. I find many things about it strange, not to mention that he choose Whole Foods to extort. Whole Foods isn't really part of the vast right wing conspiracy. In fact, I'm guessing 50-60% of people (I'm being conservative, it's probably higher) who shop and work there support gay marriage. Social justice warriors turn on their own, don't they? 

Remember that psycho waitress who made up getting no tip from crazy Christians because they didn't agree with her "lifestyle"? She was dishonorably discharged from the Marines and an overall lunatic who made that up too. Both her and the pastor have become like Sabrina Erdely, the "journalist" who made up the story about a rape occurring at a frat party. The are so focused on social justice that they'll make up events because it fits their preconceived views. 

The damage these people do is huge. Mike Nifong was the evil (yes, evil) prosecutor who slandered the Duke lacrosse players. That he only got one day in jail is a travesty. He should have gotten several years for trying to destroy the reputation of innocent people. Because of people like this, every other legitimate hate crime or accusation of rape will be harder to believe. If social justice warriors had integrity-which I sometimes doubt they do-they'd be the first to decry these made up claims. 

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