Monday, May 16, 2016

Gene Simmons

You know that guy who always claims he's being misread and you are taking things out of context? It's not on you, it's actually on him for not being clear. If he was clear and concise or didn't say anything in the first place, he wouldn't have to bitch about being misquoted and misunderstood. 

Or he wouldn't need to apologize for saying asinine things. Gene Simmons is a grade A dbag, and he is all of the above and then some. Does he really believe the things he says? I don't know. We all know he is a publicity whore who, for the right amount of money, would do things that the guys from Jackass would say were "too undignified."   So when he opens his ignorant mouth and babbles about drug use or the death or rock and roll-he's doing it mostly for attention. Paul Stanley, in his excellent autobiography said that "His (Simmons) achilles heel is his need for attention." Exactly Paul. 

Aside from being obnoxious when he's spouting off, he's also a dirty old man. He's almost a grandfather and over 60 years old. It's time to stop talking about sex constantly. We get it, you've claimed to have been intimate with thousands of women. One-he's lying or grossly exaggerating. Usually the guys who get the most women are quiet about it. Two, if he was telling the truth-well, do you really want to see the women who would sleep with him?. 

Gene actually seems like a very good guy in some interviews. He is incredibly bright (speaks several languages) and can show a tender and compassionate side, in particular with his children. It seriously might be time for Gene to let that part of himself show more, because what we've been seeing lately is not his best. 

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