Saturday, May 21, 2016


The comic Preacher is strictly for adults and contains some serious non-LDS approved behavior. 

If you can get by that, it's one of the most well written, original and cutting edge comics I've ever read. If you are into comics and not easily offended, it's a must read. 

Jesse Custer (An anagram of "Secret Jesus") is a small town minister who has lost his faith. He also has the ability to get people to do whatever he wants them. They call this power the "Word of God". As you can imagine, it's like a gun to him and he only uses it when he absolutely has to. When he does though, the effect is quite literal and often times, darkly amusing. 

How he gets this power I won't spoil for you, though it's explained in the first few issues. 

Tulip is the love interest of Jesse. She's a skilled markswoman and one of the most interesting love interests of comic book heroes. Lois Lane is interesting but wouldn't survive much without the help if Superman. Mary Jane Parker I've always found boring (Gwen Stacy fanboy here) and she also wouldn't be interesting on her own. Daredevil has had some great love interests in his life, and Tulip fits into one of this his. She's like Electra-strong, confident, and doesn't need to be with Jesse but chooses to be though her own free will. 

Preacher is deeply theological and it does paint America as a much darker place than what it really is. Jesse also wants to put God on trial throughout the entire series, and that's what he does in most issues, really. So it's not for everyone. It's not for those easily offended or whose testimony in the existence of the Almighty is weak. Than again, if your belief in God would be effected by a comic book, you need to seriously re-evaulaute your life in the first place. 

Apparently it's becoming a series on AMC.  Will I watch it? Probably-but I do like my own interpretation of the characters. So I'll be eager to see how close they match. 

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