Thursday, February 7, 2019

Tae Kwan Do diares II

I recently achieved my yellow belt in Tae Kwan Do. I've gotten much further in other forms of marital arts but that was years ago-so I'm happy that I've "still got it", at least for now.

My friend and I were talking about what martial art would be best in a "real fight". He's big into Ed Parker style karate-in fact, I met him at a karate class we both took and he became a good friend of mine. He's a naturally bigger man-about four inches taller than me and about 50 pounds heavier. In other words, he could kick my ass. Very quickly.

No matter how skilled you are someone always knows more, is physically stronger, or is just nastier and meaner than you. Relying on any kind of marital arts to defend yourself and your loved ones is a phenomenally stupid idea. Luckily, almost all martial arts studios admit this-that fighting is a terrible idea and just by getting into a fight you've already made one grave mistake.  You shouldn't go into marital arts training with the attitude "This is going to save my life one day." The reality is that it probably will not.

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