Friday, February 22, 2019

Album of the weekend

Anvil-Hope in Hell

"Being completely honest here, the quality of Anvils songs were no where near to the level of Metallica and bands like that. They had moments, but I think they'd be the first to tell you that they didn't make consistently great records"-St. Eddie Trunk. He's right you know. I've gone on and on about how I much the passion of Anvil. They are one of my favorite bands due to their determination and refusal to change their style over the years. I'm a bit less harsh in my judgement of them-in fact, I think their last album Pounding the Pavement gets better each time you listen and Metal on Metal is one of the best albums in heavy metal history-both lyrically and musically. Not all of their albums are like that, and Hope in Hell is not a good album. 

"Badass Rock and Roll" sounds good-if you don't listen to the lyrics. But you can't avoid them, they are quite bad. "Shut the F Up" sounds like it was written by a seventeen year old boy lashing out at people who hurt him. I can understand relating to this song, I was once 17 too, but for grown men to sing it it sounds a bit strange, even unpleasant. I don't think the guys from Anvil are angry men, especially at this point in their career, they don't need to act like it. Every Anvil album has a good song on it, and "Fire at Will", while not written great, is still the best song on the album. 

Anvil is Anvil, to quote the album that came out after this one. That's a tautology of course, but it's got some truth to it. They are who they are and they will never change. You either love or hate that. 

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