Saturday, December 2, 2017

Your favorite band

I'm going to give it to you straight. Some people think your favorite band is terrible, and that's okay. There are right wing snowflakes, there are left wing snowflakes. Both have "justifications" for their behavior, and usually those justifications boil down to how thin skinned and fragile they are. I'm going to add a third type of snowflake-the pop culture snowflake.

I'll talk about music because it's clearly one of my passions but pop culture snowflakes can also be that way about movies/tv shows/favorite authors, etc. If you say you've never watched Seinfeld-they stare at you. If you say you've never read any book by Chuck Palahniuk-they babble incoherently at you. If you can't recite every song from Blonde on Blonde by Bob Dylan-they look their nose down at you as if you don't know anything about music. It works for things that aren't terribly pretentious too. If you mention to someone that you've never liked Metallica and it's their favorite band-the claws come out.

How dare someone have a different opinion than you. After all, everyone must love the same things as you do and any diversity of thought is a grave offense to your dignity, right? I have my flaws but one thing I've always been okay on is that if no one cares the Ramones, Megadeth, Kiss, the Tampa Bay Rays or Bret Easton Ellis I don't take it personal. I accept that my tastes aren't for everyone.

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