Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Vice President Michael Pence leaving a football game due to protests....

The Vice President walked out of a football game due to the ongoing NFL protests.  Even though my sympathy is with Pence, it's nothing more than a publicity stunt.

You may not agree with him on much, but he's obviously a bright guy. You can't be in politics and be stupid or obtuse-yes, even those you disagree with are not stupid. If Pence was an idiot, his staff would be smarter and more perceptive than him. They'd tell him what is going on and they'd keep him updated on current events. He surely knew about the NFL protests that were going on. He claims to be a football fan, so there is no way he didn't know.

He clearly went with the knowledge that he'd leave if they protested. Surprise! That's exactly what happened. Now, he's energizing the base because they support what he did. Obviously, to those who dislike him or his politics, he's a shameless opportunist who is taking advantage of the latest battle in the cultural wars. To those who like him or agree with him-he's standing up for patriotism, truth, justice, and the American way.

Those praising Pence and critiquing him need to ask themselves something. If a politician I liked did this, how would I feel? If a politician I didn't like did this, would I feel differently? For example, if Joe Biden left an NFL game because the players were kneeling to support the pro-life or pro gun cause, I'm 100% certain that the reactions of the left and right would be the opposite, but they wouldn't be able to see it.

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