Thursday, October 19, 2017

European countries declaring their independence

A quick look at overseas news will show you that a lot of countries in Europe are declaring independence lately. From the Scotland vote to Brexit to the Catalonia region in Spain-you can feel revolution in the air.

It's wonderful to see. Anytime a state can declare local control and not give it's political power to a separate, unaccountable entity, I'm all for it. Succession might be scary at times-after all it's a big step for a population to make, but it's often proper and even necessary. Of course no one wants violence to break out-that's horrible but I'm not naive. With such a passionate issue that raises emotion civil unrest is bound to break out somewhere. That's not me approving it, but I can see why it happens.

1 comment:

  1. From our own history, independence comes when one group does not agree with another on some issue and wish to live a separate way. Sometimes, it's done peacefully, but unfortunately, as we've seen from history, many times it's not. The sad part for me is that we are all different and have different opinions. Usually, when we are able to be kind to one another and respect those differences, we can all live together in peace. However, more and more it seems to me that these separations are happening because we are becoming less tolerant of differences between us and we are choosing to separate rather than respect those differences and live together in peace. Together we are stronger then apart, and I think that the more we separate from each other, I think the weaker we become as a people.The United States is strong because we are United.I believe that the European Union was trying to emulate to some extent what we have here. That seems to be falling apart.
