Sunday, October 29, 2017

Scripture Sunday Mormon 9:29

The sacrament is important in all religions, and LDS are no different. Several religions have rules on how you can take their version of the sacrament. For Catholics, if you are in a state of "mortal sin" it is frowned upon to take the Eucharist. I'm not sure about other religions-but in Mormonism you must be in a "worthy state" to take both the sacrament and be baptized.

I understand being in a state of purity to take the sacrament-after all, Christ does not want to dwell in an unclean vessel-but since baptism is supposed to wash away all your sins I don't fully comprehend being in a perfect state for your baptism.  I agree-if you are secretly robbing banks, sleeping with a mistress or snorting cocaine it's probably best to rethink your life before you get baptized. However if you are dealing with minor sins or minor character defects, than getting baptized might be a good way to start fresh and try over again.

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