Sunday, October 8, 2017

Scripture Sunday 3 Nephi 23:4-5

To a non-LDS, so many things are weird about our faith. The temples, the beliefs, the book of Mormon, everything. However something I've been surprised about is that many non-members have a hard time with modern day prophecy. This verse is one of my favorites about prophets in the Book of Mormon. It's brief, direct, and instructs us to search the testimonies of the prophets in order to see what they instruct believers to do.

Prophets speak to us in many forms in 2017-though General Conference is still the most popular  outlet to hear the prophets speak. Believers need to be careful though-if a prophet is speaking just as man, then his words should be accepted as that. When he speaks with his prophet hat on, then he is speaking with direct authority. To LDS we believe in authority. If a man isn't baptized and ordained as a prophet than he doesn't have the authority to speak as one. These two verses seem to indicate the importance of looking at the words of our modern day prophets.

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