Wednesday, November 23, 2016

JFK conspiracy

You want the truth? You got it.

JFK was killed by a psychopath who wanted to kill the president because he was, well, a psychopath. JFK was not killed by the CIA. He was not killed by Lyndon Johnson. He was not killed by the mafia. He was not killed by the Russians. He was not killed by multiple people. He was killed by a gravely unstable lunatic who couldn't hold a job, bounced from place to place (Oswald went to 14 schools or something), lived in Soviet Russia and hated it, was basically kicked out of the Marines for being such a degenerate loser, and would have killed many more people if he wasn't offed by a lunatic who owned the local nudist bar. While most people out there believe in some whack job conspiracy, there simply isn't enough evidence to support the theory. 

Conspiracy buffs will ignore books that don't support their own views and take "evidence" totally and drastically out of proportion. I have people whom I love and respect greatly that believe that Kennedy was killed by a wide variety of people/organizations and while I still love and respect them, they are wrong. I wish more people would turn their skepticism of religion/government into skepticism of conspiracies.

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