Monday, November 7, 2016

Things you learn about politics as you mature

I have always thought that it's a sign of laziness (and in some cases, stupidity) to be totally ignorant about politics. Sure, it can be frustrating to take the time to learn things about how politics and government work-but these things have a direct impact on your quality of life. When talking with people who are ignorant about politics you'll often hear "Opinions? Oh everyone has one and it's not worth a damn." Wrong. People who downplay or dismiss others opinions are usually intimidated by them or simply too stupid to form their own opinion about issues. 

As you grow up, you being to to learn two things about politics that the extreme right and the extreme left will never understand. One-good people can and do disagree. Two-the extreme right and left are truly the problem. 

The first one isn't obvious, but it should be. If you can't figure out how two people who are diametrically opposed in their views can still get along and be good people than congratulations. You are partially why things are so messed up here. Getting your morality from politics is a terrible idea for many reasons but perhaps the worst is because it teaches you to think that you are noble and wonderful and everyone who disagrees with you is a scumbag. Your own political heroes can be personally reprehensible people and yes, that goes for liberal and conservative heroes. If someone doesn't lie, cheat, steal gives to charity and thinks of others in their actions-they are a good person. Regardless if they are liberal or conservative. 

The second is obvious. The extreme right and extreme left are both part of the problem. This isn't an argument for the mushy middle-but as you get older you begin to realize that governments and politics require compromise in order to keep everything going. There is "sticking to what is right and sticking with your morals" and there is "being stubborn and unrealistic." The perfect examples of this are the right on abortion and the left on guns. Banning all types of abortion is impossible and will not happen-and it shouldn't. Sadly pro-lifers can't celebrate even minor restrictions on abortion because they demand all or nothing. What I just said about guns is the exact same. Leftists who want all guns banned are just as silly as the radical pro-lifers.

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