Thursday, November 17, 2016


I see a lot of people putting on their psychologist hat and proclaiming those who disagree with them or those they don't like personally are "narcissists". That's a loaded word and in all honesty, one that might be among the most overused words going around right now. When people say "Narcissist" they really mean "person I don't like". It's a term that should only be used by a qualified psychologist after many evaluations with the person they are talking about.

In the world of the internet and Godwin's Law it's easy to throw words around that you don't understand. Let's be frank-if you deliver pizzas for a living (a noble job that I've done before so no, this isn't an insult to pizza deliverers) you probably lack the institutional and educational training that requires you to label someone you don't like a "narcissist".  The anonymity of internet makes it easy to throw words and accusations around. Keyboard warriors unite. 

The other blunt truth is that everyone-yes even you reading this-can be condescending, arrogant, rude, disrespectful and nasty at times. That doesn't make any of us narcissists or sociopaths. It simply makes us human. In fact, the people who admit they have flaws and try to work on them are in much better shape than those who accuse everyone else of having flaws but can't look inward to discuss and fix their own.

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