Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Parenting and people over 18

This will go against pop culture and modern trends. That is said in advance. Read at your own risk.

A grown man above the age of 25 calling his mother his "best friend" is a little weird to me. Listen carefully-being close to your parents is a good thing, a very good thing. You should go out of your way to be close to your parents in most circumstances. Boundaries are still needed though.

I've seen it happen both ways. I've seen grown men who can't live without texting or calling their mom every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Again, it's nice that these men are so close to their mothers, but you also need to invest emotional energy in people your own age-both male and female. I've also seen mothers who text and call their grown sons several times a day. This isn't normal either. The cord has to be cut eventually and the old saying that "A good mother knows when it's time for her children to leave the nest" is exactly true. You should focus on raising a man/woman, not a grown up who refuses to mature.

 I lived with my parents for a bit after I turned 18, and there is nothing wrong with that of course. It becomes a problem when you are 35 and you haven't left home. One of my exes was 29 and she had never left home either. I found it odd that her parents were telling a 29 year old to clean her room and be home by 11:00 PM. It was so disturbing to me that the relationship never went anywhere.

I guess it's a problem with millennials more than the generations before them, but you can't just blame millennials for everything. I haven't reached that stage in life yet where I blame young people for all of our nations ills.  

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