Monday, August 15, 2016

Hillary and the establishment

Hillary Clinton, if you are a traditional liberal, is the candidate for you and you should vote for her. I am not voting for her because I don't share her values. I have no issue with anyone thinks differently than I do of course.

But don't vote for Hillary if you think she is counter culture and anti-establishment. Look at all the celebrities and politicians that already support her. If you can look at all them and still think she is anti-estabilishemt, you delude yourself.

I love it when people question authority. In fact, questioning authority has been getting me in trouble since I was a child. It always has, it always will. Curiosity is the purest form of insubordination (not my quote, I forget where I found it) and people who just accept what they've been told always bother me. I think it's a sign of not thinking for yourself.

It's often the left that people think "questions authority" but in reality, no party really does that. If they are the ones in charge, they blindly obey authority. Worse, those that question authority are immediately thought of as evil or deficient in some way. People tell you to just shut up and obey.

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