Monday, August 29, 2016

Colin Kapernick refuses to stand for the National Anthem

Few things can show your hipness and innate coolness better than not engaging in patriotism. After all, nationalism is so 2001. The quarterback for the 49ers decided to rage against the machine by not standing for the national anthem during an exhibition game. He isn't the first and he won't be the last-and thankfully for him he isn't trying to seem like he is.

That's the only good thing I can say about him. Other than that, I think he's a grade A asshole. He's getting filthy rich playing football, and yes, he's getting paid in American money. If this country is as bad as he seems to think it is-well the Canadian Football League is hiring. NFL Europe has some wonderful career opportunities too. He won't go over there because the pay is terrible, the taxes are high and yes, even countries like Canada and those in Europe have racism and other problems. If he had integrity he would put his money where his mouth is and flee such an evil country.

The other irritating part of him doing this is the middle finger he's giving to veterans. Yes, you really do owe veterans respect because if it wasn't for them you'd probably be goose-stepping on your way to work in the morning. Ingratitude is a serious problem in this society, and Kapernick is a shining example of it.

Do I expect the media and ESPN to say anything about this? No, of course not. Sports "journalism" isn't real journalism. Real journalism involves putting your life on the line in war zones and ghettos, not asking professional athletes how they feel after winning or losing a game. I fully expect ESPN to talk about how wonderful he is for standing up for his beliefs. Though if Mr. Kapernick sat out to protest abortion rights or gay marriage, he'd be screamed at for his bigotry.

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