Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Crystal Clear Pepsi

I've seen people online talk about their love of Crystal Clear Pepsi. Some of these people are so young that I don't think they were born when it even it came out.

It got me thinking though-if this many people liked it in the first place, why did it go out of business? Just because I don't like something doesn't mean no one else did of course (I thought it tasted disgusting, but I've always been more of a Coke guy. Soft drink, not illegal drug) and a niche product can certainly survive if enough people like it, but Crystal Clear Pepsi went away for a reason.

It's a false nostalgia that we tend to go through when things go out of business. Do we really miss Kmart? No! The customer service was generally awful and most of the stores were so dirty that you felt like you needed to burn your clothes after going there. Do we miss Radio Shak? Like Kramer from Seinfeld said, "Did they really need your phone number when you just needed batteries?" You know my feelings about nostalgia and I do miss some things that have gone away, but for the most part-Crystal Clear Pepsi, Kmart and most other things that have gone? No way.

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