Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Obama playing golf

Oh, how I remember the Bush years when a fat, annoying filmmaker who plays the "regular guy" while living in a NYC penthouse that you or I could only dream of made fun of Bush for playing golf and going on vacation. It reminded him of Nero fiddling while Rome was burning. Oddly, when Obama takes vacations, the fatass filmmaker (think I'm fat shaming? Damn right I am) is quiet. So are other people who complained loudly and voraciously about that evil monster, George W Bush.

Obama plays a lot of golf and takes a lot of vacations. Since he is a liberal, I don't expect other liberals to critique him, just like I don't expect other conservatives to critique conservatives.

But I am not a liberal and I think bashing both presidents of taking vacations is total garbage.

The presidency is one of those jobs that goes with you. The dude with the nuclear football is rarely out of eyesight of the president, same with his large staff. If something goes wrong, the president can handle it whether he or she is in Orlando at Disney World with his kids, Texas with his friends, or Nantucket with the social elite. If he has to fly back to DC in case there is a crisis, he's got Air Force One to help him do that.

So yeah, who the hell cares if the president goes on vacation-it's easy. The party not in power. It's indicative of our political culture that a president literally can't do a thing without someone critiquing them. It didn't start with Obama-it started with Clinton, got worse with Bush, and got incredibly worse with Obama.

"If you are looking for a friend in Washington-get a dog.-Harry Truman

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