Thursday, August 25, 2016

Callings in the church

To my non-LDS readers a "calling" in the church is like a job you do without getting paid for it. It's volunteer work that church members are asked to do.

For some people being called to do something is the Lords work and it's a huge honor. For others, it's something they'd rather avoid at all costs. I've seen it both ways and I understand both ways totally. When people think that a calling is the Lords work and refusing it is refusing the Lord-it makes it difficult to utilize talents properly. IE-if you hate kids but are called to be a leader in the boy scouts, it's probably not going to end well. If you have no leadership qualities and are surly, unpleasant and rude but are called to be a Bishop-it's going to be a detriment to the church in the long run. The Lord may qualify the called, but common sense is also needed.

This issue bothers me more than it probably should because I've seen good people overlooked for callings they were more than qualified for and I've seen questionable people called for things they were totally unprepared for. Upfront-no, I am not talking about myself. I've never been offered a leadership role in the church (in fact, in three years in my old ward I was never even asked to speak a single time) and I don't really want one either.

I feel sorry for people who have been in the church for years and have never had a calling of significance-and yes, while there are no small roles there are only small actors there are smaller callings. Sorry people.

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