Monday, August 1, 2016

Depression and being alive today

My heart breaks for people who have depression. In my view it's like alcoholism-a disease that can strike down anyone at any time in their life, no matter who they are. There are rude things you can say to those suffering from depression and alcoholism. Of course we all know people who say "Oh just get over it it's just in your head." This truly is a cruel and terrible thing to say to anyone suffering from a mental illness, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself if you've ever said that to anyone or brushed off their illnesses and sickness. 

Sadly, many people still are of the "It's just in your head" mentality, even in 2016. Like many, many negative things-it's changing and more and more often the people who think that way are getting dismissed and marginalized, like they should be. I'm virtually assuring you that every person with depression or addiction would absolutely love to "just get over it." 

The good news (and it's very good news) is that in 2016, there are many ways we can treat depression, alcoholism and addiction. Now a doctor can treat your mental illness with medications instead of telling you suck it up and deal. If you are a regular reader to my blog, you'll know a major pet peeve of mine is people who complain about being alive today. Those people who bitch about it should be forced to use medicine that was only available to them at that time period. IE-People who complain that the 50's were the best time of life would be forced to put their money where their mouth is and live like it's the 50's. No one, literally no one will take me up on that because, well, life in the 50's sort of sucked, at least medically speaking. They'd be off the internet as well. So they couldn't read this blog. Which would truly be the worst punishment, as we all know. 

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