Thursday, March 3, 2016


I don't like the word "unity" in it's modern usage. It's a fools word, really. Oh sure, unity makes us feel better and gives us the warm fuzzies, but in reality, it doesn't do anything. 

We love bi-patirsinship. It makes us think that government is working! Yay! What does it really mean though? It means that one side sacrificed what they believe. Let's say the democrats work in agreement with the republicans on an abortion issue (this isn't about abortion, using it as an example, and yes, there are pro-choice republicans and pro-life democrats.) The democrats agree to abortion restrictions and the republicans agree to...abortion restrictions. Or, the republicans agree to compromise with the democrats and set restrictions on gun ownership and the democrats agree to-restirctions on gun ownership. So bi-partiniship is cool. Unless you really car about the issues. 

On to religion. Let's have some unity between LDS and Protestants. How does that work? Sure, we agree on some issues. Abortion, gay marriage-but will a Baptist suddenly accept the book of Mormon as scripture? No. Will a Latter Day Saint suddenly say Thomas Monson isn't the Prophet? Probably not. 

I understand that in reality, bi-paritsinship has to happen. I'm not against it, though I am skeptical of all calls for it. Unity means "unite under my value and ignore yours". That's why I'm a libertarian-well one of the many reasons. You leave me alone, I'll leave you alone,and unless we have a mutual interest and mutual agreement-I don't really want to "unite". 

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