Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Iphones and the FBI

I've been quiet about this issue because I don't know what to think. For once in my life, I don't think I have a well thought out, educated opinion on it. I just have feelings. 

I am incredibly concerned about the growth of government and the shrinking of the individual. That doesn't make me a right-winger, a terrorist, or a radical-it makes me concerned about the growth of government to the detriment of individual rights. 

However, we have no individual rights if we are under constant attack by terrorists. Belgium and France weren't accidents-they were warning signs. I do not believe that all Muslims are terrorists and I'm as disgusted as you are by anti-Islamic prejudice. 

But I'm not stupid either. radical Islam is a problem. If you are pro gay marriage (like me) and and for women's rights (like me) radical Islam should scare you too. I've said it before, but it does need repeating-you can be tolerant, loving and believe you can hug bad guys into peace-but certain people still want to kill you. 

Which brings me to the San Bernardino. The blunt, uncomfortable truth is that radical Muslims killed innocent people in a terrorist attack. There is no getting around it. Guns were not the issue-the ideology was. 

So from what little I know the FBI found an iPhone and now want to hack into it. Apple is refusing to help. It doesn't matter because it was hacked into anyway. Was Apple right to refuse the request? It doesn't matter now, but would they have refused the request if the murderers were Christian?  Probably not. Apple is a very left wing company. They'll do whatever is politically correct at the moment. 

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