Sunday, March 20, 2016

Scripture Sunday Alma 5:28

Pride has been on my mind a lot lately. Like most things, it's good with potential to be bad. It's good-because you should take pride in some things. I'm very good at chess. I've worked hard to develop that skill. Am I proud of that? You bet I am. I've played for thirty years and at certain points in my life my chess obsession was just that-an obsession. No, I'm not good enough to go pro or anything. Not even close. But I'm not that bad either. 

I also have a nice car. It's not a Mercedes or a Corvette, but I'm proud of it. Do others have better cars than me? Yup. But I've had some junkers in the past. One was so bad it had to be push started because I couldn't afford the repairs. So yes, I'm proud to have a nicer, newer car. 

Don't confuse being a "Christian" (and yes, we LDS are Christians) with being a shy, meek and humble person. You can be good standing and loyal LDS and still be loud, opinionated, and yes-you can take pride in certain things. 

Pride becomes morally wrong when you start thinking "I am a better person than you because I am better at chess. Or basketball. Or because I have a better car." You know when else pride becomes wrong? When people think they are a better person than someone who has less or more money then they do. Yes, poor people can sin as well. 

When people claim to be a better person morally than someone else that's when pride is evil. That's what I believe the scriptures to be talking about when they mention "pride". 

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