Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Can an LDS be liberal, libertarian or basically not conservative?

As mentioned before, LDS are mostly conservative. Yes, there are exceptions and of course "conservative" doesn't mean you agree with the republican party on every single issue. Yes there have been democrats who have been apostles and Harry Reid is a member and he's a democrat. I'm fully confident that there are democrats who are bishops, stake presidents and other church leaders.

But can an LDS be in favor of gay marriage, legalized marijuana and pornography? Yes they can. 

It's important to remember that "legalization" doesn't mean approval. CS Lewis said that living in a theocracy would be the worst kind of government because it forces virtue instead of letting people freely choose it. He was right about that, as he was about many things. When you force someone to make the right choice, you are stripping them of their agency and thus the choice they are making is not their own and it loses it's virtue. 


  1. Thanks for this post. I came from the Anglican world where it is 100 percent lib/con and it does absolutely nothing but divide. If we go soley on what scripture says as our catalyst, there would be little time for civic duty, we would be to busy Gosplin'. Granted we are also asked to sustain political leaders as God's appointment, I still have little desire to do so. As for gay marriage, it truly is a civil matter, law of the land. Like it ir not. Marijuana has proven to do more than just get you high, it's a seed bearing plant and thats all that needs to be said about that. The only sticky situation would be legality. If a Christian who is asked by God to follow the civil laws is still in a prohibition state, what do they do? Lol. Maddening i tell ya.Even LDS folk can look to the word of wisdom if they desire and find nothing that would prohibit cannibus use, and i would challenge them to find one part of the word of wisdom that may even promote it. Just to see both sides here. Good meat in this post! Thank you. Ramble over...

  2. This would be a good series, by the way.

    1. Thanks bud, I might seriously consider that!
