Friday, July 26, 2019

Album of the Weekend

D Generation -Self titled

This is a band that didn't go as far as some people thought they would. Eddie Trunk mentioned on his program that they should have gone further than what they did, and after hearing this album I can see where Eddie Trunk is coming from, though it's not as good as he might think. In fact, it's only a solid C. The lights are on, but no one is home.

"No Way Out" and "Stealing Time" do stand out, and they are the best songs on the album. But I've heard them before-they seem dated and tired. True, I'm listening to them for the first time in 2019, but even back then other bands did the punk sound better and other bands did the glam-rock sound better. One part of this band wants to be Social Distortion, the other part wants to be the New York Dolls.

And that's the fundamental problem with this band. They try to walk the line between glam and punk, but instead of making it interesting they don't seem to fully commit to either genre. It's not that it's bad. In fact, I'd like to hear them commit to one specific style.