Friday, August 3, 2018

Album of the weekend-Musical Month

Rent-The Original Broadway Cast

Rent is many things, but at it's core it's a bromance between Mark and Roger, the two main characters. Sure, it's an ensemble and there are many "main characters", but those two are the first two we are introduced to and the play does seem to revolve around their interactions. Their girlfriends, their ex girlfriends, and even their friends-but the musical begins in their loft and it should end with the song "What You Own", which is also sung by them. It doesn't end with "What You Own", and one of my only complaints about the musical is that it goes on a bit too long.

Other than going on too long, this musical is rightly considered fantastic. It deals with issues that at the time were cutting edge and often forgotten about in our society. While it addresses those issues, it doesn't get preachy. In fact, one could easily argue that it looks with a somewhat jaded eye at the bohemian lifestyle that it's followers say it embraces. Regardless of what Rent is about, it's a wonderful musical and one that you should absolutely check out.

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