Sunday, April 22, 2018

Scripture Sunday Jacob 4:10

While reading this passage in the morning a few days ago, it took me by surprise. After all, to think that we can counsel the Lord is a bit comical-yet we see it all the time today. Many organized churches want to preach the world to the Gospel, instead of the Gospel to the world. Rather than seeking out the Lord and His desires and then telling the world about them, it troubles me that many "churches" instead want the church to adapt to what the world preaches. 

This passage says something like that in a smaller scale. I wonder how often we tell the Lord what works best for us and then we expect him to adapt instead of the opposite. I'm just as guilty of course-so no, this isn't an indictment of anyone elses sins and weaknesses. We all could do a better job of trusting the Lord and his mercies, wisdom and judgment, myself included. 

1 comment:

  1. How insightful. I really like this. This is so true. The world is changing Christianity to fit the world's standards rather than to have God direct our lives. I have found it important in my life to do a daily self evaluation and ask myself: Am I doing my will, or His?
