Thursday, April 26, 2018

Anti Bullying announcements

While watching the Yankees-Twins games a few nights ago, I saw that the Yankees players did something really touching. A young girl was bullied and the Yankees got together and publicly supported her on Twitter, showing her that they were behind her and that she was supported. This is great, and I applaud the Yankees for doing that. Shows that both the players and the organization has a lot of caring and class. I'm sure other teams would do the same.

Now for the negative part. I'm not sure anyone will stop bullying someone just because of what the New York Yankees said. I can't imagine a 5th grader or a 10th grader thinking "Well, I was going to make fun of someone, but the Yankees showed me how uncool it was, so I'll leave them alone." Remember those horrible TV shows from the 80's and 90's that would show a "Very special episode" that wasn't funny but instead preachy and annoying? Those didn't stop drug abuse or teen pregnancy, but they made the producers and actors feel better. It's the same with some anti-bullying campaigns. Sure, they are better than nothing, but they probably don't do much.

In reality, we should teach kids to stand up to bullies, because it's a life skill they'll need later in life. Too often they ones sticking up for themselves are the ones who get in trouble in school, so the schools are also at fault but not for the reasons thought of. Schools and teachers are blamed for too much in our society, but this is one where they do need some adjustment.

Still though, I'm proud of the Yankees. Their show of support for the girl was the right thing to do.

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