Monday, April 2, 2018

Major changes to the LDS church

Wow. I miss General Conference and look what happens? I was busy with family stuff and baseball games so I didn't catch the events live as they unfolded, but apparently there has been some huge changes to the church. From what I comprehend the high priest group is being morphed in with the Elders Quorum, and visiting teaching/home teaching is being replaced with another form of counseling/teaching.

LDS are in an interesting situation. They are programmed to obey, not question. Even if the general LDS population had a huge problem with these changes, they'd go along with it. I'm not seeing anyone really get upset over the changes, but living in Florida aside from Utah and being inactive I admit that I'm not really running with the LDS crowd.

The change to visiting/home teaching is nice, and I'm sure it'll bring up the numbers for awhile. My concern is once the newness of the program fades away, people won't bother to go anymore and the numbers will go back to being the same they were with home/visiting teaching. No, I'm not a prophet, just a concern of mine.

I feel sorry for Elders Quorum leadership-now, they'll have to deal with an influx of older, more experienced high priests who will probably be quick to take over leadership roles in the quorum. I'm not sure this will help attendance rates or keep people in church-but it'll be interesting to see how it goes.

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