Monday, April 23, 2018

Overpopulation problem?

If you think that overpopulation is a problem, I want you to stop reading this and look up demographics of Japan, Russia, Italy, and Germany. Once you have a solid grasp of those numbers, then we can have a talk. Overpopulation is bullshit, pure and simple. We are running out of children at an alarming rate, and anyone who babbles about overpopulation does not have a clue what is going on in the world. I read something on the Facebook page of PBS that mentioned that overpopulation is a problem and all I could do is laugh. It's PBS after all, so I shouldn't expect cogent and coherent thought.

We need people to keep having babies. Even if you ignore the fact that it's humans that cure diseases, create music and movies, cook amazing meals, create iPhones, we need more humans so that our social security will be there when you and I retire. Fewer people working and fewer people contributing to the Social Security will mean that the Ponzi scheme will collapse eventually, unless we take in more and more immigrants (which no, I don't have a problem with). Germany is learning this the hard way right now. Greece already learned this, and the consequences are both tragic and humorous.

PD James wrote an amazing novel called "Children of Men". Sure, it's fiction, but it deals with a generation that has chosen not to reproduce. It's a future that I can sadly see happening in the centuries to come.

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