Wednesday, April 11, 2018

London calling...for your knives

We all know about how strict UK gun laws are. I'm no expert, but they are among the most severe in the entire world. Like I've mentioned before, gun laws do nothing but restrict law abiding citizens from protecting themselves. Now, London has a serious crime problem that seems to be escalating. Reports are showing that London has a worse crime rate than New York City. The solution to all this?  Knife control.

It's absurd of course. Criminals won't be turning in their knives and again, only law abiding citizens will suffer. How the left can't understand this is beyond me, but their hatred of all things used to defend yourself is highly amusing. Part of this is class snobbery of course. When you live in a bubble and you are protected by armed guards, self defense isn't something you worry about.

 One of the fundamental differences between liberals and conservatives is how they view human nature. Those on the left want to believe that human nature is soft, cuddly, and basically good. Those on the right believe that human nature is always evil (yes, these are generalities, but they are generally correct) . I'm in the middle-humans are capable of both great kindness, and great evil. Sometimes we need to take the action necessary to defend ourselves and our families. If that means carrying a pistol or a knife (actually a terrible self defense weapon, but anyway) you should have the right to do so.

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