Wednesday, April 25, 2018

No, California isn't about to ban the bible

I'm not even going to share the "news" story because I don't want to spread fake news. Basically, some idiots (yes, strong words. Appropriate though) are claiming and worse-getting gullible people to believe-that the state of California is about to ban the bible. It's nonsense of course, but it shows all of us how gullible some people are and how much fake news has permeated the country.

I'm not outraged or offended by this-I'm saddened by it. Very much so actually. Nothing I say or do can change anyones mind or how we think, but our culture and society has to take a deep, long, and frustrating look at how we've become so gullible and so eager to believe anything that fits our political bias. Obviously, right wing Christians (and I'm much more sympathetic to them than I am the other side), for some unknown reason, want to believe that this is happening. Those people are as obnoxious as the social justice warrior left who loves seeing victimhood everywhere. This makes the hard right also believe they are victims in some way, I guess. It confirms their bias that the state of California, and the society in general, is against them. There is a small degree of truth to that, but it's also leads them to believe nutty stories.

:: sigh ::

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