Monday, April 9, 2018

New Roseanne show

First off no, I haven't watched the new Roseanne show. Growing up it was one of the shows that my parents forbade me to watch. As a dutiful and obedient child, I did just that. I'm kidding of course. I watched a few episodes of Roseanne when my parents were busy or out of town, and I don't remember liking or hating it. That's not a good sign-if you remember hating something at least you didn't forget it existing in the first place-but I'm in the minority and many people seem to enjoy both the original and the remake of the show.

It's been mentioned that Roseanne the character is a Trump fan. Growing up Roseanne Barr the actress was the farthest thing from a republican, so I'm very surprised that the character she created is a Trump fan, and I'm even more surprised that the actress herself voted for Trump. No matter what my opinion is on the show or Barr herself, I admire her for being in Hollywood, thinking for herself, and making it public. That alone takes major courage, and I hope her show (which I won't watch, it has no appeal to me whatsoever) succeeds in 2018.

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