Thursday, July 27, 2017

Transgenders in the military

Growing up I remember everyone was up in arms about gays in the military.  People were saying it would cause the decline of the military and eventually, the decline of our country. Sure, our military is still the strongest in the world and the social disaster that was supposed to occur never happened, but anyway. Now we're exchanging the word "gay" for the word "transgender". Trump has ruled that transgender people will no longer be allowed to serve in the armed forces. He's the commander in chief of them, so what he says goes I guess.

I never served in the armed forces, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. A large grain of salt.

You aren't in the trenches. If you are, then hold on a minute I'll get to you. Your opinion of military matters (if you never served) is useless. In fact, if you think you can run a war or tell the troops what to do, you are an idiot. Sure, you can have an opinion on if they should go to war but once they do and what changes they make to the military is none of your damn business.  Period. It's very easy to tell troops what they should do from the comfort of your own home. Once you start having bullets fired at you, it's a little different.  In other words be very careful with your opinions on military matters.

If you want to know how this will effect the morale of the military, you need to :: gasp :: ask active duty military people. If they have no problem with it, you shouldn't either. After all, you aren't hoisting a rifle with them. All that should matter is helping the military win wars. Like it or not, we need an strong and robust defense in 2017. Policies that help the military win should be instituted. Policies that help them lose should be avoided.

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