Thursday, July 13, 2017

Fidget Spinners

I have not reached that stage yet in my life where I complain about those damn kids and their social media, those damn kids and video games, and those damn kids and their fidget spinners. I'm going to give it to you straight: Your generation also had harmless fun little time wasters like Pet Rocks, Slap Wraps, Koosh Balls, and Pogs. Fidget Spinners are just like those things. Harmless fun that only cranky old people bitch about.

And yes, they are harmless fun. Sure, we've heard about the one kid who manages to cut himself or lose an eye with the things, but think about this: There are millions of kids playing with them, and you've only heard about (or, can only prove) about one or two serious injuries. In reality, those are good odds. Fidget spinners are a fad and like any other passing fad, they'll be popular for a long time then go away and be forgotten about.

People need to chill. I've seen parents rant about them, the media try to scare us about them, and some very unhappy kids get them taken away from them. Whatever happened to childhood where you could just do silly stupid and harmless things?

1 comment:

  1. My kids have fidget spinners. I have no problem with them. I remember when I was younger, pokemon cards where the 'in'things. I agree that they are just a fad. It's interesting to see that we as adults can gripe about them, yet as you said, I am sure that when we were kids, we probably begged for some worthless trinket from our parents as well. We conveniently forget those things
